Precious Nativity Christmas Story

I have a few nativity sets I like to set up each year; one is hand painted by my husband’s sister that was given to his mum, one was a gift and my favourite one that I thought might be a “Precious Moments” set, regardless it is precious to me. I like to tell the story of Chrsitmas using my Nativity set!

The trip to Bethlehem 

The true Christmas story begins with a young lass who was engaged to be married more than 2000 years ago.

One day an angel told her that she was going to give birth even though she was a virgin, to a baby boy and his name would be Jesus.

After the angel’s visit, Mary married Joseph and they travelled by donkey to Joseph’s family home of Bethlehem.

When they arrived, it was so crowded that the only place they could stay in was in the barn with all the animals. They had to stop as Mary couldn’t travel any further because the baby was due.

The birth ...

Mary gave birth to her baby boy, Jesus.

and she used a manger or a feeding trough for his bed right there in the stable with the animals.  


The birth was announced... in the fields

Out in the fields, an angel told some humble shepherds about the good news of the birth of Jesus being God’s son and that he would be the Saviour of the world. They could hardly believe it that they would be told such information by angels. They went down to town to have a look.

When they saw that everything was as the angel had told them, they worshipped Jesus and told his parents how they had been visited by angels who told them all about Jesus and that would be their Saviour.


and in the heavens

When Jesus was born a special star was found in the sky and three wise men from the East, who studied such things, were intrigued and wanted to travel and find out more about the great leader, that the star told of. The star led them all the way to Jerusalem and then to the little town of Bethlehem.

This baby is to be worshipped

When they found the young infant, the three Wise Men recognized that this baby must truly be someone so special that a star was created for him. They worshipped the baby and they each offered very special gifts.

Read it for yourself

Don't take my word for it, in fact, there are parts I have left out. Go to the source and discover why Jesus is he Saviour of the world. Try finding here in Luke 2: 8 -18. It is the thrid book in the New Testament part of the Bible. The first four books of the New Testament tell of Christmas. If you are so inclined then read them all and see what different people thought of the time we call Christmas.

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